Katie Jones


 We as beings experience life through an ethereal manner. We are connected to a spiritual self that binds us together a string as you see it. One thing a person does effects another in a ripple effect that spreads throughout the entire world. I create faceless figures in all shapes and sizes that are ethereal and spirit like to  show a spiritual side of human nature that is governed in a humanistic way for it is the human who creates their own destiny that is propagated by other beings. My beings love, cohabitate, grieve, cherish each other, have conflict, etc for this is the human existence.

Katie Jones was born in Memphis, TN and studied at the Memphis College of Art for her BFA in Painting and a Masters of Art in Teaching in Art Education. A majority of her time is spent making classroom examples or lesson plans but at the request of her therapist she is allowing herself to be "Katie the Artist" again in her life. Her childhood was spent growing up between Frayser and Raleigh in North Memphis and would often draw to escape the harsh reality of growing up without a father in her life. She would often focus on the way people sat or moved with each other then what they were wearing or their faces. Greatly influenced also by the southerwestern artist Ted DeGrazia and Keith Haring she developed her own style of often faceless figures.